About Katy Robinson

Katy is the author of Suite News and the Marketing Specialist at RT Dynamic. Besides having a penchant for open-source technology, she likes to delve into the latest sales and marketing strategies as well as emerging business technologies. She’s also a total first-person shooter buff and can often be found taking out hordes of zombies in her spare time.

Travel and Hospitality CRM by Salesforce

CRM for travel agencies emerges as a game-changer, streamlining operations, enhancing communication, and providing a 360-degree view of your customers......

Take the Stress out of Sales with Kanban

Businesses both big and small are always looking for processes and software solutions that could simplify the job for the salespeople and make it easier for managers to keep an eye...

How to use Trello Boards with SuiteCRM

Trello is a task management software based on the principles of Kanban boards which till date have helped millions of customers improve their process management. ...

4 Ways to Immediately Enhance Your SuiteCRM

SugarChimp simplifies the everyday struggle of data automation between SuiteCRM and Mailchimp by keeping CRM data in perfect sync with Mailchimp data. Let’s look in more detail a...